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Find a Church In Columbus, Ohio

Are you searching for churches in Columbus, Ohio? brings the following church directory to you for free. If you belong to one of the Columbus, Ohio churches on our list and notice any errors, please let us know. If your church in Columbus is missing from our directory, please add it.

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Find a church in Columbus including Baptist churches, Methodist churches, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, non-denominational and all types of Christian churches. Click "View a Map" to see where the church location, and many listings have a link to the Church Profile on Church Finder. We pray you find the right church for you!

Columbus Churches

  Bible Way Church of Our Lord
  453 S Wheatland Ave, Columbus, OH 43204
  Map may provide more information.

  Calvary Apostolic Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  38 W Greenwood Ave, Columbus, OH 43201
  Map may provide more information.

  Christ Bible Church
  86 S. Ohio Ave, Columbus, OH 43205
  (614) 260-6288

  Christian Assembly   ChurchFinder Profile
  4099 Karl Rd, Columbus, OH 43224
  Map may provide more information.

  Church Of God Of Prophecy   ChurchFinder Profile
  1466 Frank Road, Columbus, OH 43223

  Church-Christ-Apostolic Faith
  1200 Brentnell Ave, Columbus, OH 43219
  Map may provide more information.

  Clime Road Church of God
  3600 Clime Rd, Columbus, OH 43228
  Map may provide more information.

  Eagles Nest Fellowship Ctr
  5000 Sunbury Rd, Columbus, OH 43230
  Map may provide more information.

  Easton Worship Ctr
  5400 Strawberry Farms Blvd, Columbus, OH 43230
  Map may provide more information.

  First Church-Christ Apostolic
  1911 Oakland Park Ave, Columbus, OH 43224
  Map may provide more information.

  Jordan Memorial Cogic   ChurchFinder Profile
  1415 Haddon Rd, Columbus, OH 43209
  Map may provide more information.

  Living Faith Apostolic   ChurchFinder Profile
  2177 Mock Rd, Columbus, OH 43219
  Map may provide more information.

  Oakley Full Gospel Baptist
  3415 El Paso Dr, Columbus, OH 43204
  Map may provide more information.

  Parson's Ave Church of God
  3389 Parsons Ave, Columbus, OH 43207
  Map may provide more information.

  Pentecostal Assembly
  PO Box 44036, Columbus, OH 43204
  Map may provide more information.

  Pool of Bethesda
  2600 Mccutcheon Rd, Columbus, OH 43219
  Map may provide more information.

  Potter's House Church of God
  3220 Lowell Dr, Columbus, OH 43204
  Map may provide more information.

  Rehoboth Temple Church-Christ
  PO Box 83326, Columbus, OH 43203
  Map may provide more information.

  Temple of Faith Clg
  PO Box 24445, Columbus, OH 43224
  Map may provide more information.

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