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3360 E Midland Rd, Bay City, MI 48706
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1770 W Youngs Ditch Rd, Bay City, MI 48708
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Baptist- Independent
701 W. Midland St, Bay City, MI 48706
906 South Wenona Street, Bay City, MI 48706
(989) 893-4073
Holy Trinity Catholic
1008 S Wenona St, Bay City, MI 48706
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Holy Trinity Religious Ed Ofc
1008 S Wenona St, Bay City, MI 48706
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Our Lady of Guadalupe
1619 Broadway Street, Bay City, MI 48708
(989) 894-0661
St Bonifaces Catholic Church
510 N Lincoln St, Bay City, MI 48708
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St Hedwig Rectory
1504 S Kiesel St, Bay City, MI 48706
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1515 Cass Ave, Bay City, MI 48708
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St James Church
710 Columbus Ave, Bay City, MI 48708
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St Joseph
1005 Third St, Bay City, MI 48708
St Maria Goretti
2872 N Euclid Ave, Bay City, MI 48706
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St Stanislaus Church
1503 Kosciuszko Ave, Bay City, MI 48708
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2956 E North Union Rd, Bay City, MI 48706
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St. Boniface
510 North Lincoln Avenue, Bay City, MI 48708
(989) 893-4851
St. Boniface
510 N Lincoln Avenue, Bay City, MI 48708
St. George (Byzantine)
204 North Van Buren Street, Bay City, MI 48708
(989) 892-0763
St. Hedwig
1504 South Kiesel St, Bay City, MI 48706
(989) 893-1072
St. Hyacinth
1515 Cass Avenue, Bay City, MI 48708
(989) 895-5581
St. James
710 Columbus Avenue, Bay City, MI 48708
(989) 893-4693
St. Joseph
1005 3rd. Street, Bay City, MI 48708
(989) 895-5783
St. Maria Goretti
2872 North Euclid Avenue, Bay City, MI 48706
(989) 684-1523
St. Mary
607 East South Union, Bay City, MI 48706
(989) 892-6031
St. Stanislaus
1503 Kosciuszko Ave., Bay City, MI 48708
(989) 893-6421
2596 East North Union Rd., Bay City, MI 48706
(989) 684-1203
1106 State Street, Bay City, MI 48706
(989) 684-5184
1106 State St, Bay City, MI 48706
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Church of the Nazarene
3430 N Euclid Ave, Bay City, MI 48706
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St Alban's Episcopal Church
105 S Erie St, Bay City, MI 48706
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St Albans Episcopal Church
105 S Erie St, Bay City, MI 48706
(989) 892-4135
815 N Grant St, Bay City, MI 48708
(989) 892-5813
749 N Pine Rd, Bay City, MI 48708
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3033 Wilder Rd, Bay City, MI 48706
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300 N Sheridan St, Bay City, MI 48708
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501 S Catherine St, Bay City, MI 48706
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1664 Amelith Rd, Bay City, MI 48706
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St John's Lutheran Church
706 W Jane St, Bay City, MI 48706
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6100 Westside Saginaw Rd, Bay City, MI 48706
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5545 8 Mile Rd, Bay City, MI 48706
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Lutheran - Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
Trinity Lutheran Church
1010 33rd St., Bay City, MI 48706
Lutheran Church of Missouri Synod
510 W. Ivy, Bay City, MI 48706
2535 Wilder Rd, Bay City, MI 48706
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Calvary Chapel Ohf
1301 Leng St, Bay City, MI 48706
Grace Christian Fellowship
, Bay City, MI 48706
PO Box 1494, Bay City, MI 48706
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3121 E. N. Union Rd, Bay City, MI 48706
805 Center Ave, Bay City, MI 48708
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Westminister Presbyterian Chr
103 E Midland St, Bay City, MI 48706
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United Church of Christ
First Congregational Church, Ucc
900 Sixth Street, Bay City, MI 48708
United Methodist
4267 2 Mile Rd, Bay City, MI 48706
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300 N Wenona St, Bay City, MI 48706
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Fremont Ave United Methodist
510 Fremont St, Bay City, MI 48708
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Fremont Avenue United Methodist
510 Fremont Avenue, Bay City, MI 48708
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