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Find a Church In Benton Harbor, Michigan

Are you searching for churches in Benton Harbor, Michigan? brings the following church directory to you for free. If you belong to one of the Benton Harbor, Michigan churches on our list and notice any errors, please let us know. If your church in Benton Harbor is missing from our directory, please add it.

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Find a church in Benton Harbor including Baptist churches, Methodist churches, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, non-denominational and all types of Christian churches. Click "View a Map" to see where the church location, and many listings have a link to the Church Profile on Church Finder. We pray you find the right church for you!

Benton Harbor Churches

  Ebenezer Baptist Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  PO Box 1244, Benton Harbor, MI 49023
  Map may provide more information.

  Napier Parkview Baptist Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  266 Chippewa Rd, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
  Map may provide more information.

  New Paradise Baptist Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  287 S Crystal Ave, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
  Map may provide more information.

  Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  PO Box 303, Benton Harbor, MI 49023
  Map may provide more information.

  Progressive Baptist Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  245 Pipestone St, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
  Map may provide more information.

  Second Baptist Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  600 Donald Adkins Dr, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
  Map may provide more information.

  St Paul Baptist Church
  130 Urbandale Ave, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
  Map may provide more information.

  SS. John and Bernard
  555 East Delaware, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
  (269) 925-2425

  St John & Bernard Parish
  600 Columbus Ave, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
  Map may provide more information.

  St Augustines Church
  1753 Union St, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
  (269) 925-2670

  Good Shepherd Lutheran Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  1965 Broadway, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
  Map may provide more information.

  St Matthews Lutheran Chr
  671 Mcallister Ave, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
  Map may provide more information.

  Universal Truth For Life   ChurchFinder Profile
  954 N. Euclid, Benton Harbor, MI 49022

  Community Church of God
  PO Box 1404, Benton Harbor, MI 49023
  Map may provide more information.

  Refreshing Fountain Outreach
  PO Box 8750, Benton Harbor, MI 49023
  Map may provide more information.

  Fairplain Presbyterian Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  210 W Napier Ave, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
  Map may provide more information.

Seventh Day Adventist
  Highland Ave Adventist Church
  PO Box 809, Benton Harbor, MI 49023
  Map may provide more information.

United Methodist
  Union Memorial Ame Church
  911 S Crystal Ave, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
  Map may provide more information.

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