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Find a Church In Norman, Oklahoma

Are you searching for churches in Norman, Oklahoma? brings the following church directory to you for free. If you belong to one of the Norman, Oklahoma churches on our list and notice any errors, please let us know. If your church in Norman is missing from our directory, please add it.

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Find a church in Norman including Baptist churches, Methodist churches, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, non-denominational and all types of Christian churches. Click "View a Map" to see where the church location, and many listings have a link to the Church Profile on Church Finder. We pray you find the right church for you!

Norman Churches

  Alameda Baptist Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  1503 Alameda St, Norman, OK 73071
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  Bellevue Baptist Church
  PO Box 721255, Norman, OK 73070
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  Bethel Baptist Church-Norman
  1717 W Lindsey St, Norman, OK 73069
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  Blue Lakes Baptist Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  201 W Indian Hills Rd, Norman, OK 73069
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  Brookhaven Baptist Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  4301 Country Club Ter, Norman, OK 73072
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  Calvary Free Will Baptist Chr
  PO Box 220, Norman, OK 73070
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  Crosspointe Church
  2601 24th Ave SE, Norman, OK 73071
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  Hilltop Baptist Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  11710 Stella Rd, Norman, OK 73026
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  Immanuel Baptist Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  210 S Cockrel Ave, Norman, OK 73071
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  Norman First Baptist Church
  211 W Comanche St, Norman, OK 73069
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  Northeast Baptist Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  905 E Rock Creek Rd, Norman, OK 73071
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  Trinity Baptist Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  801 N Peters Ave, Norman, OK 73069
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Baptist- Independent
  Faith Baptist Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  3661 120th Ave Se, Norman, OK 73070

  Northgate Baptist Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  3786 N. Porter, Norman, OK 73071

  St Joseph's Catholic Church
  PO Box 1227, Norman, OK 73070
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  St Mark the Evangelist Church
  3939 W Tecumseh Rd, Norman, OK 73072
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  St Thomas More University
  100 Stinson St, Norman, OK 73072
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  St. Joseph   ChurchFinder Profile
  211 North Porter, Norman, OK 73071
  (405) 321-8080

  St. Mark the Evangelist
  3939 W. Tecumseh Rd., Norman, OK 73072
  (405) 366-7676

  St. Thomas More - University of Oklahoma
  100 E. Stinson, Norman, OK 73072
  (405) 321-0990

Church of Christ
  Alameda Church of Christ   ChurchFinder Profile
  801 Alameda St, Norman, OK 73071
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  Cornerstone Christian Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  1315 24th Ave SW, Norman, OK 73072
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  Westside Church of Christ   ChurchFinder Profile
  726 Mcgee Dr, Norman, OK 73069
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Church of the Nazarene
  First Church of the Nazarene   ChurchFinder Profile
  1801 N Porter Ave, Norman, OK 73071
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Disciples of Christ
  First Christian Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  220 S Webster Ave, Norman, OK 73069
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  University Christian Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  616 Bud Wilkinson Dr SW, Norman, OK 73069
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  St John's Episcopal Church
  PO Box 2088, Norman, OK 73070
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  St Michael's Episcopal Church
  1601 W Imhoff Rd, Norman, OK 73072
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  St. John's
  235 W. Duffy, Norman, OK 73069

  Trinity Lutheran Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  603 Classen Blvd, Norman, OK 73071
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  University Lutheran Chapel
  914 Elm Ave, Norman, OK 73072
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  B'Nai Shalom Messianic Cong
  PO Box 720968, Norman, OK 73070
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  Faith 4 Life Church
  1019 24th Ave. Sw, Norman, OK 73069

  Heartland Harvest Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  3650 E Robinson St, Norman, OK 73026
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  Journey Convenant Church Inc
  PO Box 722764, Norman, OK 73070
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  New Life Bible Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  1401 W Boyd St, Norman, OK 73069
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  Riverside Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  2300 24th Ave SW, Norman, OK 73072
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  Wildwood Community Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  1501 24th Ave NE, Norman, OK 73071
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  Church On the Rock of Norman
  622 N Berry Rd, Norman, OK 73069
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  First Presbyterian Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  555 S University Blvd, Norman, OK 73069
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  Memorial Presbyterian Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  601 24th Ave SW, Norman, OK 73069
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Southern Baptist Convention
  Berry Road Baptist Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  500 N. Berry Road, Norman, OK 73069

United Methodist
  Goodrich Memorial United Meth
  PO Box 523, Norman, OK 73070
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  Mc Farlin Memorial United
  PO Box 6390, Norman, OK 73070
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  St Stephen's United Methodist
  1801 W Brooks St, Norman, OK 73069
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