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Find a Church In Sand Springs, Oklahoma

Are you searching for churches in Sand Springs, Oklahoma? brings the following church directory to you for free. If you belong to one of the Sand Springs, Oklahoma churches on our list and notice any errors, please let us know. If your church in Sand Springs is missing from our directory, please add it.

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Find a church in Sand Springs including Baptist churches, Methodist churches, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, non-denominational and all types of Christian churches. Click "View a Map" to see where the church location, and many listings have a link to the Church Profile on Church Finder. We pray you find the right church for you!

Sand Springs Churches

  Angus Acres Baptist Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  4401 S 129th West Ave, Sand Springs, OK 74063
  Map may provide more information.

  Broadway Baptist Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  1000 N Adams Rd, Sand Springs, OK 74063
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  Calvary Baptist Church
  301 Washington Ave, Sand Springs, OK 74063
  Map may provide more information.

  Cornerstone Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  8801 W 41st St, Sand Springs, OK 74063
  Map may provide more information.

  Garden Heights Freewill Bapt
  3415 Summit Blvd, Sand Springs, OK 74063
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  Keystone Hills Baptist Church
  200 N 209th West Ave, Sand Springs, OK 74063
  Map may provide more information.

  Limestone Baptist Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  3609 S 137th West Ave, Sand Springs, OK 74063
  Map may provide more information.

  Trinity Baptist Church
  13 W 40th St, Sand Springs, OK 74063
  Map may provide more information.

  St Patrick Church
  204 E 4th St, Sand Springs, OK 74063
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  St. Patrick
  204 East 4th St., Sand Springs, OK 74063
  (918) 245-5254

Church of Christ
  Sand Springs Church of Christ   ChurchFinder Profile
  4301 S 113th West Ave, Sand Springs, OK 74063
  Map may provide more information.

Disciples of Christ
  First Christian Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  501 N Main St, Sand Springs, OK 74063
  Map may provide more information.

  Mission Christian Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  400 E 12th St, Sand Springs, OK 74063
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  St Matthews Episcopal Church
  601 N Lake Dr, Sand Springs, OK 74063
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  Word of Life Fellowship
  PO Box 1220, Sand Springs, OK 74063
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  First Assembly of God Church
  PO Box 850, Sand Springs, OK 74063
  Map may provide more information.

  First Presbyterian Church   ChurchFinder Profile
  222 N Adams Rd, Sand Springs, OK 74063
  Map may provide more information.

United Methodist
  Sand Springs United Methodist
  PO Box 336, Sand Springs, OK 74063
  Map may provide more information.

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